1923-1959 Purcell Way (Lynnmour South)

1923 – 1959 Purcell Way is currently the home of approximately 90 apartments, built in 1973; physically the residential complex closest to Capilano University. Woodbridge Northwest has applied to redevelop this property, and propose 60 market townhome and 124 market condominium units, with a floor space ratio of 1.75. In addition, a student housing building on Capilano University's land would be built that would provide housing for about 60 students. Further, there are to be 303 parking spaces on site, plus student parking on Capilano University's land and a new amenity building that will be shared with this project and the existing building to the west.If the project proceeds, it will require rezoning, and a development permit for form and character of commercial, industrial, and multi-family development, plus energy and water conservation and greenhouse gas emission reductions. As of mid December, 2017, the application was presented to Council for Second and Third Reading.A useful link to the District of North Vancouver’s Official Community Plan can be found here.
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