The housing market in B.C. has remained strong in 2023, with high prices due to a limited supply of listings. Despite challenging conditions for buyers, home prices have continued to rise. The BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) expects a 2 percent decline in pricing for the year, but there are several factors to consider.

The key takeaway for you is that the B.C. housing market has been resilient, partly due to very low inventory levels. Prices have gone up this year, especially in more expensive markets like Greater Vancouver, where buyer activity has remained strong despite fewer listings. The average benchmark price in this area is now $1.2 million.

Looking ahead, BCREA anticipates a normalization in activity as buyers adjust to higher interest rates. They expect prices to rise by 2.4 percent next year, with Greater Vancouver remaining the most expensive market with an average resale price of $1.3 million.

However, the main driver of pricing remains the limited supply of housing. This highlights the need for more listings and a broader range of housing types, both resale and new. It's important to note that sales of residential land have dropped, indicating ongoing supply constraints, even as the province encourages municipalities to meet housing demand through construction targets.

In summary, while B.C.'s housing market has seen high prices due to low inventory, there is a potential for a 2 percent decline this year, with expectations of stabilization and moderate price increases in the coming years. The key takeaway for readers is the importance of addressing the supply issue in the housing market to support more sustainable pricing in the future.


Where Are People Moving Today and Why?

Plenty of people are still moving these days. And if you’re thinking of making a move yourself, you may be considering the inventory and affordability challenges in the housing market and wondering what you can do to help offset those. A new report from Gravy Analytics provides insight into where people are searching for homes and what they’re prioritizing most right now. That information could help you plan your own move.

1. People Are Moving to Cities with Lower Housing Costs

One big factor motivating where buyers are going is affordability and that’s no big surprise. People are relocating to areas that have less expensive housing options. As a result, small cities are thriving. Hannah Jones, Economics Data Analyst at, summarizes why:

“Affordability is still very much front and center . . . a lot of what’s available is outside of the price range of many buyers. . . . so they look elsewhere for a little more bang for the buck.”

The takeaway for you? If you’re having trouble finding a home that fits your budget, it may help to browse other, more affordable locations nearby.

2. People Want to Live Where They Vacation

And, if you’re already expanding your search radius, you may be able to include a location that features your favorite type of destination, like a suburb near the beach or a mountain town. Data shows many other homeowners are making that type of move a priority today. According to the same report from Gravy Analytics:

“Whether it’s the opportunity to enjoy more weekend hikes in the mountains or to wake up to a lakeside sunrise, people are moving to areas that were once thought of as vacation spots.”

Even with today’s home prices and mortgage rates, here’s why a move like this could be possible for you. If you’re already a homeowner, the equity you’ll get when you sell your current house can help fuel that move and give you the down payment you’d need for your dream home.

3. People Who Work Remotely Are Taking Advantage of that Flexibility

Ongoing remote work is another major factor in where people are moving. A recent report from the McKinsey Global Institute says this about recent movement patterns:

“Many of these moves happened because employees untethered from their daily commutes began to care less about how far they lived from the office.”

If you’re a remote or hybrid worker, you don’t have to live in the same city, or sometimes even the same state, as your job. That means you can prioritize other things, like being closer to loved ones, when buying a home.

In fact, the same McKinsey Global Institute report notes for people who moved during the pandemic, 55% reported moving farther from the office. And since remote work is still a popular choice today, homebuyers will likely continue to take advantage of that flexibility.

Bottom Line

Lots of people are still moving today. If you want help navigating today’s inventory or affordability challenges, and expert advice to help you find your ideal home, connect with a trusted real estate agent.


The Road Is Being Paved for EV Charging Stations on Strata Properties

The Government of B.C. is paving the way for more access to electric vehicle (“EV”) charging stations on strata properties.

Recently passed legislation allows strata corporations and owners to more easily install EV charging infrastructure. Effective May 11, 2023, strata corporations no longer need a ¾ vote to approve EV charging decisions – only a majority vote is required.

The government has indicated that lower voting thresholds will make it easier for EV infrastructure to be approved and installed as an expense funded by a strata corporation’s contingency reserve fund. To use the majority vote threshold, the expense must be:

  • Related to installing EV charging infrastructure or managing the electricity it uses; or
  • Necessary to obtain a report on the installation or operation of EV charging infrastructure or the electricity management—this could include an EV ready report or an electrical planning report.

The voting threshold has also been lowered to majority votes in the following situation:

  • If the strata corporation needs to acquire or dispose of personal property in order to install, operate, maintain, or repair the EV charging infrastructure, or to manage the electricity used by EV charging. An example of personal property would be an EV charging station owned by the strata corporation.

Upcoming Changes to Come into Effect

Additional changes under this legislation will be effective later in the year. These include the following:

  • Strata corporations must get an electrical planning report from a qualified person by a certain date.
  • Strata councils can grant short-term exclusive use of parking stalls for longer than one year for a “prescribed class of parking stalls”. (This prescribed class will likely include parking stalls used for EV charging).
  • Regulation that specifies the conditions and criteria a strata council may consider when reviewing an owner’s request for EV charging infrastructure.

Read the Government of B.C.’s news release for more details on the changes to the Strata Property Act. You can also subscribe to receive occasional email updates to strata legislation and the Province’s strata housing website.



Ensuring Property Security: How AI Enhances Trust in Real Estate Transactions

As a homeowner in British Columbia, one of your primary concerns might be the security of your valuable property. You may have heard unsettling stories about homes being sold without the owner's knowledge, leading to anxiety and apprehension. At Botto Real Estate, we understand the significance of your concerns, which is why we have implemented robust and trustworthy methods to confirm the identities of our clients. Our commitment to providing you with peace of mind has driven us to employ a combination of manual and cutting-edge technological processes, including artificial intelligence (AI), to ensure that all parties involved in a real estate transaction are exactly who they claim to be. In this blog, we will delve into the measures we take to secure your property and why you can trust us as your Real Estate Professionals.

The Significance of Property Security

For many, a home is not only a place to live but also a significant financial asset. The thought of someone tampering with or selling your property without  your knowledge can be distressing for any homeowner. The real estate industry, like any other, faces its share of fraudulent activities and identity thefts. At Royal LePage Sussex we recognize the gravity of these concerns and have made it our mission to protect your interests and assets with utmost dedication.

Our Trustworthy Identity Verification Methods

  1. Manual Identity Verification

We believe in the importance of personalized service and human touch. Our team of experienced Real Estate Professionals conducts thorough manual identity verification to ensure that every client's identity is meticulously validated. By relying on checking up to date photo ID and face-to-face meetings, we build a solid foundation of trust with our clients.

2. Utilizing AI Technology

Embracing technological advancements is vital in today's fast-paced world. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of our identity verification process, we use an innovative app that employs artificial intelligence (AI). This powerful tool helps us confirm the identity of individuals swiftly and could detect any potential fraudulent activity.

How AI Enhances Identity Verification

Our AI-powered app utilizes a combination of advanced facial recognition and document verification to authenticate the identities of our clients. Here's how it works:

a. Facial Recognition: The app captures and analyzes facial features to match them against official identification documents and photographs. This helps us confirm that the person presenting themselves as the homeowner or buyer is indeed the individual they claim to be.

b. Document Verification: By scanning official identification documents, such as passports or driver's licenses, the app ensures that the information provided matches the documents' data. This step adds an extra layer of security to the process, reducing the risk of identity fraud.

The Peace of Mind You Deserve

Your trust and security are our top priorities. We understand that your home is not just a dwelling but a place filled with cherished memories and a significant investment. Rest assured that use of thorough and advanced identity verification methods, along with our dedication to your well-being, provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.  Contact us today to experience the utmost care and security in your real estate journey.


From Renter to Homeowner: Your Journey to Homeownership

Are you tired of paying rent and dreaming of having a place to call your own? If so, you're not alone! Many renters aspire to become homeowners and take that significant step towards financial stability and personal satisfaction. While the path to homeownership may seem daunting, fear not! With the right approach and a well-thought-out plan, you can make your dream of owning a home a reality. In this blog, we will guide you through the essential steps to help you transition from being a renter to a proud homeowner.

  1. Assess Your Finances

The first step towards homeownership is understanding your financial situation. Start by checking your credit score, as it plays a crucial role in determining your ability to secure a mortgage with favorable terms. A higher credit score generally leads to lower interest rates and more loan options.

Next, take a close look at your income and expenses. Evaluate your monthly budget to see how much you can comfortably afford for your mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. Remember to consider other financial goals and emergencies when setting your budget.

2. Find Your Perfect Fit

One of the most exciting aspects of homeownership is finding the perfect property that aligns with your needs and lifestyle. Explore different neighborhoods and housing markets to identify areas that appeal to you. Consider factors such as proximity to work, schools, amenities, and safety.

Next, determine the type of property that suits your preferences and budget. Are you looking for a single-family home, a condominium, or a townhouse? Each has its pros and cons, so weigh them carefully to find the best fit.

3. Invest in Your Future

Purchasing a home is not just a transaction; it's an investment in your future. Homeownership allows you to build equity over time, which is the difference between your home's value and the outstanding mortgage balance. As you pay down your mortgage and the property's value appreciates, your equity increases, giving you greater financial security.

Long-term benefits include the possibility of selling your home for a profit or using it as a source of passive income through rental opportunities.

4. Seek Expert Guidance

Navigating the complex world of real estate and mortgages can be overwhelming, especially for first-time buyers. To ensure a smooth process, seek expert guidance from professionals who can provide valuable insights.

Working with a trusted real estate agent can make a significant difference in finding the right property and negotiating a fair deal. They have in-depth knowledge of the local market and can assist you throughout the buying process.

Additionally, consider consulting financial advisors to help you make informed decisions regarding your budget, financing options, and long-term financial goals.


Becoming a homeowner may seem like a distant dream, but with careful planning, research, and the right team of experts by your side, it is an achievable goal. Assess your finances, explore different neighborhoods, understand the benefits of homeownership, and seek guidance from professionals to make your journey to homeownership a smooth and successful one.

Remember, the road to owning a home may have its challenges, but the rewards of having a place to call your own and building a brighter financial future make every step worthwhile. So, roll up your sleeves, begin your research, and get ready to unlock the door to your dream home!


6 Expert Tips to Stage Your Home for a Quick Sale

Are you planning to sell your home? Staging your property is a powerful way to attract potential buyers and make a lasting impression. While most people know about decluttering and cleaning, there are some lesser-known yet highly effective tips that can take your home staging efforts to the next level. In this blog post, we'll reveal six expert tips to make your home as appealing as possible to prospective buyers.

1. Enhance with Chandeliers

Lighting can dramatically transform the ambiance of any space, and chandeliers are a fantastic way to achieve this effect. Consider adding a stunning chandelier in your foyer, dining room, or living room. These eye-catching fixtures can instantly elevate the look and feel of the room, making it more inviting and luxurious. The best part is, you don't have to break the bank – there are plenty of affordable yet stylish chandeliers available for just a few hundred dollars.

2. Refresh with New Linen

While most sellers focus on major renovations, the small details matter just as much. Don't overlook the impact of fresh linen. Replace any worn-out sheets, duvet covers, towels, and even oven mitts with new ones. It might seem like a minor change, but the crispness and cleanliness of new linen can leave a lasting impression on potential buyers. This simple update can make your home feel more inviting and well-cared for.

3. Embrace Pedestal Sinks

If you're considering a bathroom renovation, keep in mind that pedestal sinks, especially in smaller washrooms, are a big hit with buyers. These classic and elegant fixtures not only save space but also add a touch of sophistication to the bathroom. Even if a full renovation isn't feasible, replacing an outdated sink with a pedestal version can give the bathroom a fresher, more modern look.

4. Invest in New Appliances

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, and buyers pay close attention to this area. If you want to make your kitchen irresistible, consider investing in new appliances. A brand-new refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher can instantly make the space look more appealing and modern. Updated appliances suggest that the kitchen is well-maintained and ready for the new owners to move in hassle-free.

5. Create Singular Purpose Rooms

While you might be used to having multi-functional rooms in your home, it's best to avoid this when staging for potential buyers. Each room should have a singular purpose to make it easier for buyers to envision their future in the space. A home office combined with a spare bedroom might be practical for your needs, but it can be a turnoff for buyers looking for a specific room. Try to stage each room in a way that showcases its primary function clearly.

6. Get a Free Staging Consultation

If you want more personalized and professional advice on staging your home, consider getting a free staging consultation before listing your property for sale. Enlisting the help of staging experts can provide valuable insights and recommendations on how to maximize the appeal of your home. Potential buyers will be more likely to fall in love with your property when it's presented in its best light.


Staging your home is an art that can significantly impact its marketability. By following these expert tips, you can make your home more appealing and attractive to potential buyers. Remember, the goal is to create a welcoming and inviting environment that allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space. By investing in these staging techniques, you increase the chances of selling your home quickly and at a favorable price.

Thinking of selling your home? Get in touch with us at 604-984-7253 to schedule your FREE STAGING CONSULT and let our experts guide you in preparing your home for a successful sale. Happy staging!


Renewed activity in Canada’s real estate market in first months of 2023 prompt upgraded year-end forecast

The spring market is off to a healthy start. Buyer activity picked up earlier than was anticipated in the first quarter of 2023, pushing home prices up over the final quarter of last year. As a result, home prices in Canada are expected to continue climbing, albeit at a much slower rate than the last two years.

Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Canada will increase 4.5% in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to the same quarter last year. The previous forecast was revised upward to reflect an earlier-than-expected boost in activity in Canada’s major housing markets.

Following activity levels in the first quarter of 2023 that surpassed the Company’s expectations – a vigorous return of buyer demand coupled with ultra-low housing supply conditions – Royal LePage has adjusted its quarterly forecast for the remainder of the year. On a quarter-over-quarter basis, the national aggregate home price is expected to continue rising modestly but steadily over the next nine months.

“Coming out of a correction, it is common to underestimate the speed at which the market will turn itself around. As market activity is rebounding quicker than anticipated, we are looking ahead with a sense of cautious optimism,” said Phil Soper, president and CEO of Royal LePage. “While we do not expect huge price gains this year, some sense of normalcy is returning to the market.”

According to the Royal LePage House Price Survey released today, the aggregate price of a home in Canada decreased 9.2% year-over-year to $778,300 in the first quarter of 2023. On a quarter-over-quarter basis, however, the aggregate price of a home in Canada rose 2.8%, as buyers began to come off the sidelines following the Bank of Canada’s decision last month to pause interest rate hikes for the first time in a year.

“There has been nothing ‘typical’ about Canada’s housing market since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns brought the housing market to a grinding halt in early 2020 before the work-from-home revolution catapulted it into a two-year, all-season frenzy of record sales volumes and aggressive price growth,” said Soper. “As markets do, this market overshot, and the inevitable correction was triggered when the Bank of Canada began to rapidly raise interest rates. The downturn came swiftly, and the real estate industry remained depressed for twelve months, a longer correction than the aftermath of the financial crisis thirteen years ago. We have turned the corner and the housing economy is growing again; none too soon for many buyers, who have been waiting patiently for prices to bottom out.”

Read Royal LePage’s first quarter release for national and regional insights.

First quarter press release highlights:

  • Single-digit price gains in first quarter driven by early return of sidelined buyer demand and continued shortage of inventory
  • Greater regions of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver post quarterly aggregate price gains of 4.8%, 1.3% and 1.3%, respectively in the first quarter
  • Royal LePage urges OSFI to heed the economic dangers that would accompany new, aggressive mortgage restrictions

4 Key Tips for Selling Your House This Spring

Spring has arrived, and that means more and more people are getting their homes ready to sell. But with recent shifts in real estate, this year’s spring housing market will be different from the frenzy of the past several years. To sell your house quickly, without hassles, and for the most money, be sure to follow these four simple tips:

1. Make Sure You Give Buyers Access

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a seller is limiting the days and times when buyers have access to view your home. In any market, if you want to maximize the sale of your house, you can’t limit potential buyers’ access to view it. If it’s not accessible, it could cost you by sitting on the market longer and ultimately selling for a lower price.

2. Make Your Home Look as Good as Possible on the Inside

For anything to sell, especially your home, it must look inviting. Your real estate agent can give you expert advice on ideal staging for your home. Even updating a room with fresh paint, steam cleaning carpets, or removing clutter from the garage can make a big impact.

3. First Impressions Matter

The old saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” matters when selling your house. Often, the first impression a buyer gets is what they see as they walk up to the front door. Putting in the work in on the exterior of your home is just as important as what you stage inside. Freshen up your landscaping to improve your home’s curb appeal so you can make an impact with potential buyers.

4. Price It Right

This is probably the most important aspect of selling your home in today’s real estate market. If a house is priced competitively, it’s going to sell. Period. To do this, you have to know what’s happening with home prices in your area and understand the factors that are affecting the market right now. That’s why it’s best to work with a trusted real estate professional who can ensure you list your house at the right price.

Bottom Line

Everyone selling their home wants three things: to sell it for the most money they can, to do it in a certain amount of time, and to do all of that with the fewest hassles. To accomplish these goals, start by connecting with a local real estate professional to understand the steps you need to take to sell your home this spring. 


Have You Thought About Why You Might Want To Sell Your House?

Some Highlights

  • If you’re on the fence about selling your house, it’s worth considering all the reasons why moving could make sense for you.

  • If you find your home no longer meets your needs, it may be time to sell.

  • You have a lot to consider when deciding if you should move. Connect with a local real estate professional today to go over the benefits of selling your house.

Think Spring, Think Maintenance!

Spring is a season of renewal. Birds are singing and the flowers are beginning to burst into bloom. The days are getting longer - and we are getting outdoors again. So not surprisingly, real estate activity continues in high gear. The weather is more co-operative and families are looking to move during the summer break.

If you are considering putting your home on the market, now's a good time to do some spring maintenance to make sure your home is in tip-top shape.  Even if you aren't planning to sell your home, you should still add these household tasks to your list to help preserve your home's value and help avoid major repairs later on.

Walk Around the Outside
Check for any damage caused by winter's cold weather. Look for those sagging or loose gutters, window frames or siding. Is your roof missing any shingles, or is there any water damage under the eaves? Promptly schedule repairs for those items you can't do yourself. 

Over the fall and winter, leaves, mud and debris may have accumulated in your gutters. Check your gutters for clogging and damage and schedule an appointment for cleaning. 

Walk around your yard as if you were a first-time visitor. What impression does your home make? Be sure to clear away fallen branches and leaves. Loosen the soil around perennials, plant annuals or a vegetable garden. Prune shrubs and trees. 

If your water supply has been off for the winter, turn it back on. Test your automatic sprinkler system or connect your water hose and check for cracks and leaks. Replace old washers or sprinkler heads.

Don't forget the backyard! Is it time to condition your deck? Be sure to hammer in any loose nails or replace them with galvanized deck screws. Replace any broken boards or rails. Consider renting a power washer to clean dirt and mildew from the wood, and then apply an all-weather sealer or stain. Then dust off that patio furniture you kept protected over the winter.

Repair any broken fence boards and paint or seal them as needed. Clean the pool if you have one. Wash windows, screens and windowsills; repair any winter damage.

Take a Tour Inside

Start making a list of things to do in each room. Then dive in. Dust walls and ceilings to remove cobwebs and wash any grimy areas. Wash window curtains or remove drapes for dry cleaning. Deep clean rugs and carpets. Dust and polish wood or laminate floors. 

Clean fan blades using mild soapy water. Make sure all exhaust fans and vents are clean and clear. Don't forget to remove the lint buildup from the clothes dryer vent. 

One often-overlooked area is the fireplace. Be sure to sweep ashes carefully into your fireplace's ash pit or into a dustpan. Clean fireplace tools, or the glass on your gas fireplace 

Look around for clutter.  Are there items you don't use any longer? If you are planning on moving, what items will you not need? Consider having a garage sale and then either donate or trash the remaining items.

And lastly, don't forget to replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. A good time to change them is when you change your clock for daylight savings.

Although performing these spring chores may be dreaded tasks, they go a long way in maintaining and even enhancing the attractiveness and quality your home.


From kitchen upgrades to bathroom renovations, learn about our top five recommendations for increasing your home’s property value. These improvements will ensure a greater return on your investment.

1. Kitchen

Kitchens have the most significant impact on the value of a house. As such, it’s a crucial investment to keep the space up-to-date – a contemporary kitchen goes a long way. Modern cabinetry, under cabinet lighting and new appliances will contribute to a remarkable increase in the value of your home. To save on cost without compromising construction and desirability, prefabricated options, such as Ikea cabinets, can often take the place of custom cabinetry.

2. Bathroom

In determining property value, the bathroom is the second most important room in the house. If you can add a three-piece bathroom to a home with only one full bathroom, you’ll notice a dramatic rise in the market value of your property. While we don’t recommend compromising bedroom space for a bathroom, try adding one into an area of unused space in the home. An additional tip for maximizing washroom space is to use glass for the shower – it easily makes the room feel more spacious.

3. Fixtures

Kitchens and bathrooms often look tired and dated, in large part due to old fixtures. Replacing or updating cabinet hardware, light fixtures, countertops and faucets will result in an immediate increase in your home’s value. This small, but effective upgrade will also revitalize the entire home. Pot lights are in high demand in open concept style homes.

4. Flooring

Flooring is one of the most important features of your home. You’ll find an immediate rise in property valuation with the installation of hardwood floors. Further, existing hardwood floors that can be refinished are ideal, since they are less costly to restore and more desired by homeowners than new flooring materials. For the bathroom space, tiled flooring will always be in high demand and retain its value exceptionally well. Sagen’s Purchase Plus Improvements Program helps qualified homebuyers carry such home improvement costs into their mortgage with as little as 5% down.

5. Basement

A finished basement will also increase the return of investment of your home. Although basement renovations need not be extensive – renovations that will save the new homeowners money in the future are highly recommended. For example, renovations that will protect the basement from flooding are advised (flooring, walls, and drainage considerations).

For more information, contact a local real estate or mortgage professional.


An Expert Makes All the Difference When You Sell Your House

If you’re thinking of selling your house, it’s important to work with someone who understands how the market is changing and what it means for you. Here are five reasons working with a professional can ensure you’ll get the most out of your sale.

1. They’re Experts on Market Trends

With today’s housing market defined by change, it’s critical to work with someone who knows the latest information and how it impacts your goals. An expert real estate advisor knows about national trends and your local area too. More importantly, they’ll give insight to what all of this means for you, so they’ll be able to help you make a decision based on trustworthy, data-bound information.

2. A Local Professional Knows How To Set the Right Price for Your Home

Home price appreciation has moderated this year. If you sell your house on your own, you may be more likely to overshoot your asking price because you’re not as aware of where prices are today. Pricing your house too high can deter buyers or cause your house to sit on the market for longer.

Real estate professionals look at a variety of factors, like the condition of your home and any upgrades you’ve made, with an unbiased eye. They compare your house to recently sold homes in your area to find the best price for today’s market so your house sells quickly.

3. A Real Estate Advisor Helps Maximize Your Pool of Buyers

Since buyer demand has cooled this year, you’ll want to do what you can to help bring in more buyers. Real estate professionals have a wide range of tools at their disposal, such as social media followers, agency resources, and the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), to ensure your house gets in front of people looking to make a purchase. Investopedia explains why it’s risky to sell on your own without the network an agent provides:

“You don’t have relationships with clients, other agents, or a real estate agency to bring the largest pool of potential buyers to your home.”

Without access to your agent’s tools and marketing expertise, your buyer pool – and your home’s selling potential – is limited.

4. A Real Estate Expert Will Read – and Understand – the Fine Print

Today, more disclosures and regulations are mandatory when selling a house. That means the number of legal documents you’ll need to juggle is growing. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) puts it like this:

“There’s a lot of jargon involved in a real estate transaction; you want to work with a professional who can speak the language.”

5. A Local Professional Is a Skilled Negotiator

In today’s market, buyers are regaining some negotiation power. If you sell without an expert, you’ll be responsible for any back-and-forth. That means you’ll have to coordinate with:

  • The buyer, who wants the best deal possible
  • The buyer’s agent, who will use their expertise to advocate for the buyer
  • The inspection company, which works for the buyer and will almost always find concerns with the house
  • The appraiser, who assesses the property’s value to protect the lender

Instead of going toe-to-toe with these parties alone, lean on an expert. They’ll know what levers to pull, how to address everyone’s concerns, and when you may want to get a second opinion.

Bottom Line

Don’t go at it alone. If you’re planning to sell your house this spring, work with a real estate professional so you have an expert by your side to guide you in today’s market.

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